From our table to yours. Can’t get any fresher than that!Buy farm fresh produce and farm-raised fish and get hooked on the taste of local!
Aquaponics, by its very nature, produces exceptional quality vegetables, especially leafy greens. We grow mostly lettuce, however, we will continue to add new varieties and vegetables to our farm.
We have the following products growing and available to pick:

Romaine – The main ingredient in Caesar salads, romaine has a crisp texture and a strong, but not bitter, taste.
Butter – A soft “buttery” texture and a sweet, mild flavor.

Basil – Renowned for its use in Italian dishes. Has a licorice-clove flavor.
Chives – Chives have a slightly garlicky and delicate onion-like aroma and flavor.

Tilapia – Our fish are grown and sold every six weeks. They are naturally grown from fry and are raised in clean water without added antibiotics, hormones, and other negative additives found in conventionally caught fish.